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How to create Facebook Group

How to create Facebook Group and how to set up Facebook Group?

How to create Facebook Group

Hello friends, welcome to another new article of our blog, in which we are going to tell you types of Facebook groups and what are the benefits of creating Facebook groups.

If you want to grow your business online then Facebook Group is the most powerful way. Because Facebook is used by almost all smartphone users, Facebook groups are a good medium to reach their potential customers.

In this article, we have given you complete information about Facebook group, so if you also want to create a Facebook group and want to learn all the settings of the group, then definitely read this article till the end.

What is Facebook Group?

Facebook Group is a community of some people where they can discuss any topic among themselves. Usually Facebook groups are created on a particular topic such as sports, politics, earn money online, entertainment, health etc. People can join the Facebook group according to their choice and discuss that topic with the people present in the group. Can.

You can create your own group on Facebook and discuss by adding members to it. However, there are some topics on which creating a Facebook group is against the guidelines of Facebook like false news, obscenity, spam activities etc.

You can also join another group of your favorite subject in Facebook. Like if you have interest in Blogging, then go to the group section of Facebook and search by writing Blogging, then you will get to see the top Blogging groups that you can join.

Why create Facebook Group?

There can be many reasons for creating a Facebook Group, everyone can have their own reason for creating a Facebook Group.

Many people create Facebook groups so that they can connect all their friends together and can talk among themselves.

The purpose of creating a Facebook group for some people is to share information, they share the field they know about in their Facebook group and help other people. So there some people create a Facebook group and share entertainment related content with people.

Many companies use Facebook groups to grow their business, to solve their customer's problems and to increase the sales of their products or services. Because Facebook is a very famous social media platform where companies get customers easily.

Similarly, there can be many reasons for people to create Facebook groups.

Benefits of creating Facebook Group

You get many benefits of creating a Facebook Group such as –

  • Facebook group is a very powerful marketing tool through which you can grow your business.
  • You can maintain a relationship with your customer for a long time.
  • You can connect with your audience through Facebook groups.
  • Many people can discuss a topic together in a Facebook group.
  • You can also earn money in many ways by increasing member in Facebook group.

Types of Facebook Group

Facebook groups are mainly of two types, one is Public and the other is Private.

Public Facebook Group

Public Facebook group can be searched by any user by searching in Facebook and can join it. In this, all the content of the group is also public. In which all users can see what posts are being posted or what comments are being made in the group.

In a public group any internet user can see all the members of the group. Posts of public Facebook groups are also indexed by Google.

Private Facebook Group (Private Facebook Group)

There are two types of private Facebook groups –

Visible – In a Visible private group, only group members can see the group's posts and comments, as well as all other members of the group. Although all Facebook users can find this type of group by searching in Facebook, but they will be able to see the content of the group only when they become a member of the group.

Hidden - Hidden private group is also called secret group. No Facebook user can find this type of group by searching in Facebook. To join such a group, the user must have a direct link to the group. If you want to create a Facebook group only for your customers who have bought your product or service, then you should create a Hidden Private Group.

How to create a Facebook group ?

After reading the article till here, you must have understood well about the Facebook group, let us now know how to create Facebook Group. It is very easy to create a Facebook group, any Facebook user can easily create their own Facebook group.

If you are facing any problem in creating a Facebook group, then you can easily create a Facebook group by following the steps given below. Through this process, you can create Facebook group from both your mobile and desktop.

Step 1 - Login to Facebook Account

To create a Facebook Group, first you have to login to your Facebook account. You can login your Facebook ID in the browser or in the mobile app.

Step 2 – Click on Groups

After logging in to Facebook ID, you have to click on the option with Groups.

If you have opened Facebook ID in laptop or desktop, then you will get the option of Groups on the left side. And if you have logged in your ID in the Facebook app, then you have to click on the top right side profile icon and then click on the Groups option from here.

Step 3 – Click on Create Group

After clicking on Groups, you will see all the groups you have joined here. Here you will get the option of Create New Group, click on it.

In mobile, you have to click on the + icon and click on the option of Create Group.

Step 4 – Give some name of the group

Now the interface will open in front of you as per the image below. Here you can write the name of the group in the name box and make the privacy public or private as per your choice.

If you want any user on Facebook to be able to see your group, then keep this option Public, and if you want your group to join only those whom you invite, then leave it Private.

After selecting privacy, if you want to invite any of your friends to join the group, then you can invite them with the option of Invite Friend. Since this option is only optional, so if you do not want to invite anyone, then you can leave it.

After filling all this, you have to click on the Create button below.

Step 5 – Add Cover Photo

After this you have to put a cover photo in your group. You can create a cover photo in advance and then upload it to the cover photo of a Facebook group.

You should make such a cover photo that describes your group well. As you are making a group on health, then things related to health should also be shown in the cover photo. You can easily create cover photos for Facebook groups with the help of Canva Tool.

Step 6 – Write Group Description

Now you have to write a brief description about your group, in which you have to tell what subject your group is related to.

Step 7 – Write the first post in the Facebook Group

By writing Group Description, you click on Save, just by doing this your Facebook group is ready, and you can start posting in Facebook group. If you want, you can write the first post in your Facebook group now or you can write the post later also.

So friends, in this way you can create your Facebook group very easily.

Facebook Group Setting

To make Facebook Group professional, you also have to do some important setting in Facebook Group.

To do the necessary setting in Facebook Group, you have to click on the Manage option and then after scrolling down the page a bit, click on the Group Setting option. Here you will find all the following settings.

Setup Groups

  • Name and Description - From here you can change the name and description of your group.
  • New Member Intro – From here you can create a message that new members will see when they join your group for the first time.
  • Privacy - From here you can make your group public or private. If your aim is to add more and more members to the group, then leave the group public.
  • Hide Group – If you have a private group, then you can hide your group with this option. That is, you can create a hidden private Facebook group.
  • Location - From here you can add the location of your group.

Customize Group

  • Web Address - With this option you can set a URL for your group. You can add the name of your group to it, then the URL of your group will be something like this -
  • Group Color – From here you can change the color of your group.
  • Badges – From here you can select the badges that people can earn in the group. Badges are shown in group member's posts, comments and profiles.
  • Group Affiliation – You can add Group Affiliation to show that a specific person or organization is the Admin of the group. The admin's name will appear at the bottom of the group's cover photo.


  • Participation Approval – If you enable this option, then any group member can post and comment only when the group admin or moderator approves them.
  • Who Can Participate in The Group - From here you can select who can join the group. Such as Facebook profile or Facebook page. You can also allow both to join the group.

Manage Discussion

Approve All Member Post – If you want that any member's post will be visible only then the admin or moderator will approve it, then you can turn on this option.

Short Comment - With this option you can change the order of comments in the group's post. You can keep it by default.

Short Post – With this option you can change the order of posts in the group. You can also keep this option by default.

Approve Edit – If you turn on this option, then all the edited posts will be shown only when the admin or moderator approves them.

Default Tab – By Default Discussion will be selected in this option, which means that group posts and discussions will appear first.

Edit Post Format – From here you can create shortcuts to post formats, so that people in the group can easily find the most frequently used post formats

Anonymous Post - If you want that an anonymous member who does not have the name and profile photo of the author cannot post, then you can turn off this option. However, the group admin and moderator will see the name and profile picture of the person posting anonymously.

Added to Group

  If you want to get the most out of your group, then you can add many features to the group like Event, Live Video, Poll, GIF, File, Room, Reel, Badges etc.

Manage Advance Settings

Linked Page - From here you can link the Facebook pages you manage to your group.

Recommended Groups – From here you can suggest your member to join other groups.

Apps – Apps listed in this section can see posts and comments in your group, but not who wrote them. You can block these apps' access to your data in your personal settings for this group.


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