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How to Make Facebook Page?

How to create Facebook page from mobile and computer? step by step guide

How to Make Facebook Page

We all use Facebook every day for our entertainment, but do you know that through Facebook you can do a lot more than chatting, watching or sharing photos, videos.

You can earn money through Facebook, find clients for your business and increase the sales of your products. For all these works you need Facebook Page. But there are many Facebook users who do not have the knowledge of How to Make Facebook Page

If you also do not know how to create a page on Facebook, then you have come to the right article, through today's article, we are going to tell you the complete process of creating a Facebook page in both computer and mobile, along with the benefits of Facebook page. Will also get to know about in this article.

So stay tuned friends till the end of this article, and without wasting any time let's start today's article.

What is facebook page

Facebook Page is a feature provided by Facebook that you can use to promote your business. You can create a Facebook page and by regularly publishing useful content in it, you can connect more and more people to your page.

Anyone who has an account on Facebook can create a Facebook Page, but a Facebook Page is the exact opposite of a Facebook Profile. You post anything in a Facebook profile, but in a Facebook page you have to post the same things regarding which your Facebook page is.

Where you can make a maximum of 5000 friends in a Facebook profile, on the other hand, in a Facebook page, you can add countless people with you. You can also earn money by increasing followers in Facebook page.

If you want to run advertisements on Facebook, then you also need a Facebook page for this. Facebook has added a lot of features to the Facebook page. If you have a business then Facebook page is very beneficial to grow your business.

Advantages of facebook page

Following are some of the major advantages of Facebook page –

  • You can add unlimited people to Facebook page.
  • You can add Call to action button to your Facebook page.
  • You can get more clients for your business.
  • There are many features available in the Facebook page for business.
  • Through Facebook page you can run paid advertisement on Facebook.
  • You can also earn money by increasing followers on Facebook page.

How to create facebook page

If seen, creating and designing a Facebook page is no less than creating a website. Like the website, the Facebook page is also your digital asset, so you should design the Facebook page with the same precision as a website is done.

In this article, we have told you the process of Facebook Page Kaise Banaye from computer and mobile. By following the process which we have told you below, you can create a business and professional Facebook page.

how to create facebook page from computer

Follow the following process to create Facebook page from laptop or desktop.

1 - First open the official website of Facebook in your browser, and login to your Facebook account.

2 – After this, click on the 9 dots at the top and click on the page option. After this you will get the option of Create New Page, click on it.

3 - After this the page will open in front of you as per the image below. In which you have to fill the following Detail.

In Page Name, fill the name that you want to keep for your page.

In the Category box, select the category on which your Facebook page is based.

Write brief information about your page in description.

After filling all this information, you have to click on Create Page option.

4 - Now you have to set a Cover Image and Profile Picture and click on the Save option. Both these images are very important to make the Facebook page look attractive.

5 - After doing all this, your Facebook page is almost ready. After this you have to select the Username of your Facebook page. Keep in mind that there is no space between two words in the username. To select the username, click on the setting option on the left and then click on the option containing Page Info, and select the username from here.

The URL of your Facebook page is made from the username itself. Like the username of our Facebook page is, then the URL of our page is “”. Username must be unique. If the Facebook page is new, then it may take some time for you to get the username. Most of the users who create Facebook page again and again do not get the option to create username quickly.

In this way you can easily create a Facebook page on your computer. Now we will know how to create Facebook page in mobile.

How to create facebook page in mobile

To create a Facebook page in mobile, first you download the official application of Facebook from Play Store and login your account in it.

1 - After login to Facebook account, click on the top 3 line (menu) option and select Pages in it. And then click on Create option.

2 - Now you have to start the process of creating a Facebook page by clicking on the Get Started option.

3 – In this process first you will be asked for Page Name, here type whatever you want to name your page and click on Next.

4 - After this select the page category, if you want to create a Facebook page for personal use then you can select Personal Blog. And then click on Next.

5 - After this you will be asked if you have a website, if so, enter the URL of your website and if not, select I don't have website and click on Next.

6 - In the end, you have to set Cover Image and Profile Picture and click on Done. You can invite friends on your Facebook to like and follow the page.

After completing this process, your Facebook page will be created but still you have to make some important settings.

7 - You will see the setting icon on the top right side of the page, click on it and then click on the option with Page Info. Here you have to fill the following details.

In Username, you create a username for your page.

Type a short description about the page in the Description box.

Add a button to your page with the Action Button option. Like if you have a personal blog, you can add a Like or Follow button.

You can fill your mobile number, email ID and WhatsApp number with the contact option.

So now your Facebook page is ready, you can increase likes on your page by publishing content regularly in Facebook page.

Important things for business Facebook page

If you want to create a Facebook page for your business, then for this you should keep the following things in mind.

  • It is necessary to give Contact Detail to create a professional page.
  • Use Call to Action words, like if you provide any service or if you have a business then you can add Call Now, Contact Us button. It means to say that you add Suitable Button as per the objectives of your business.
  • For a business page, you have to fill the opening hours of the company, cost of the product, location of the company, etc.
  • Must add website in business Facebook page. For this you need to have a business websit.
  • Use the Important Tab related to your business on the homepage of the Business Facebooke page. Like you can use Service, Job, Offer etc. tab.

Tips to grow Facebook page

If you want your Facebook page to grow as quickly as possible, then you should follow the following tips.

  • Before creating a Facebook page, decide a purpose why you want to create a page. Like for business, to increase followers, to provide service etc.
  • After this, select a Niche, that is, from which topic you will publish related content in your page.
  • Publish useful content on the page regularly, if there is consistency in your work, then the likes on your page will increase very quickly.
  • If you are a blogger or Youtuber then promote your blog and Facebook page from YouTube.
  • Invite your friends to join the page.


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