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What is Java

What is Java

If you want to learn programming, then you must learn Java.JAVA is one of the most popular programming language. Therefore, you must have heard the name of Java at one time or the other, because Coding and computers have a huge role in taking technology to new heights.

And all the mobile applications and websites available on the Internet, most of them have been created with the help of Java programming. But if you do not know what JAVA , what is the full form of Java, how can you learn JAVA Language, then through this article we will give you all the information related to JAVA Language.

Although there are many programming languages in the technical field, but Java is one of the most famous programming languages among them. On which the world's biggest e-commerce website has been developed in today's time. Many web applications, programs and software are being run using the Java Programming Language. Thus there is a lot of demand for java language in the programming field.

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Although there is no full form of JAVA, it is a General Purpose Programming Language which only computer can understand. A computing platform is provided to the developer to use Java.

Through which he writes the code only once (Write once) and can run the compiled Java code on all Java supported platforms at any time without recompiling it.

What is Java

Java is a high level programming language of computer which is used to create applications and software. This programming language supports all operating systems, it can be run in any platform.

The code of Java is written in English language and Fundamental of C++ has also been used in it. And it follows the concept of Oops, any person can easily understand the java code.

Java is a widely used computer language, which is simpler and safer than any other programming language. In this, some rules have been followed while writing the code, which is called Syntax.

If someone writes a program without Syntax, then an error appears on the screen, so it is necessary to follow Syntax while writing the code.

Java was developed by a company called Sun Microsystems. Where its first Public Implementation Java v1.0 was launched in the year 1995.

In this company, James Gosling was leading a team of researchers on a project in an effort to create a new language. And to run that project, the company had planned to build Operating System with C++ language.

But James Gosling was not happy with C++ and he then created his own programming language called Oak.

The main objective of this language was "Write Once, Run Anywhere".

It (Oak) was based on the Syntax of C++ language. But it was much simpler and more stable than C++. It was a very good Network Supportive programming language which could be run on any Platform or OS.

After the (Oak) language was renamed Java in 1995, Java was quickly incorporated into its standard configuration by some major web browsers as "applet" configurations.

Features Of Java

Java is a very popular and useful programming language, it is the first programming language that is not dependent on any hardware or operating system. Because it is an independent programming language which has many great features.

Let us tell you that except for Java, all other programming languages, their compilers develop code that is generated for only one system, and runs in that.

But due to Java Platform Independent Language, Java programming software can run on many other operating systems like Linux or Macintosh without any change.

Simple and secure programming language:

Java is very simple and secure language as compared to all other programming languages. Because every code of this is converted into bitcode after compilation, due to which it is considered very safe and secure.


  Java is an object oriented programming language that works on the concept of (OOPS), which eases the task of software development and maintenance. Because no procedures are used in it, it is only object based language.

create software

Developers can create distributed software using the Java programming language. That is, a software that can work simultaneously on different computers, even if it is connected to any network.

Save programming language

Java uses very strong memory management, for this reason it is a very strong programming language. Because there is very little use of Pointers in this, due to which there is no shortage in its security.

Fast Programming Language

Java is a very fast programming language, but it is a bit slow compared to C++ Compiled Language, but Java is very fast in other programming languages.

Dynamic programming language

Java is a more dynamic programming language than C and C ++ because the variables written in the codes are allocated in it and class run time, due to which it does not use much memory.


Java is a multithreaded programming language because a Java program can complete multiple tasks simultaneously.

Architectural Neutral Format

The Java compiler creates an architecturally neutral object file format, through which it makes the compiled code look like an attribute. Due to which the code which is compiled can run on any machine.

Portable Languages

Java is an independent platform due to which it is very portable, it is mostly used in making commercial software.

How does Java work?

In JAVA, the program is not done in Compiled Executable Files. And Abstract Computing Machine is used to run Java Code. Which is called Java Virtual Machine (Jvm) java compiles in this byte code.

Whenever we compile a program, instead of changing it into Machine Language, it gets converted into Intermediate Language. Which is called Java Bytecodes, which we can run on any operating system and processor. That is, first the Java code is compiled in Bytecode, then as soon as the Bytecode runs, it turns into Machine Code.

Java Components

  There are mainly three components of Java programming language, first JDK, second JVM and third JRE.

JDK stands for Java Development Kit which provides the developer with a collection of tools and libraries required to develop applications and applets.

It is used to develop the program. Any developer needs the Java Development Kit to format their source code. JRE is included in this kit itself, that is, it holds all the features of JRE.

JRE ie Java Runtime Environment is a software package that is used to run Java programs. It includes Interpreter (java), a compiler (javac), an archiver (jar), a documentation generator (javadoc), and some other development tools. This JRE itself includes the core classes and supporting files of the Java Virtual Machine.

JVM ie Java Virtual Machine which is an Abstract Machine, through which all Java programs are run, whenever we write Source Code, we generate Bytecode through Java Compiler to compile it.

And Java Virtual Machine is used to execute this Byte Code. Inside which resides the Interpreter which makes the program run. The computer which runs the java program already has JVM installed which is used to run the java code in the computer.

What is HTML

Types of Java Application

By using Java programming you can create mainly 4 types of applications

Mobile Applications: - Java is used in Android App Development, it is a cross-platform which is designed to run Android App in Mobile.

Standalone Applications: - This standalone application is called desktop application or window-based application. AWT and Swing are used in Java to build this application. Media player, antivirus and MS-Office are some examples of standalone applications.

Web Applications: - Such applications which run on the server are called web applications. Java is also used to make it, in present times Jsp, Struts, jsf, Servlet, are used to make it and web browser is used to access this application.

Enterprise Applications:- JAVA provides high level security. That's why Java programming language is also used to create many Enterprise Applications. Many large enterprise projects such as banking software, accounting applications are built using Enterprise Java Bean (EJB).

Different Platforms / Editions of Java Technology

Java Platform is a collection of Editions that helps developers to run and develop Java programs. There are currently 4 types of Java Editions:

  • Java SE (Java Standard Edition)
  • Java EE (Java Enterprise Edition)
  • Java ME (Java Micro Edition)
  • JavaFX

Java SE: Java Standard Edition provides tools and APIs to developers, so that they can create Desktop Applications, Server Applications or applets programs. All the programs written through this Standard Edition can be run on Operating Systems like Linux, Windows, Mac.

JEE: Java Enterprise Edition is used to create web applications and enterprise applications. It provides API and runtime environment for enterprise edition scripting and runtime enterprise software.

JME: – Java Micro Edition is such a collection of APIs. Which is mainly used to develop mobile applications, TV setup box software and gaming programs. This Micro Edition Platform has a User Friendly Interface and its security model provides the facility of different built in networks.

JavaFX: This edition is used to create the graphical user interface of any Internet application. It uses a light-weight user interface API.

Where is Java used?

Java is being used in more than 3 billion devices, almost all the operating systems of Android, whether it is Kitkat, Lollipop or Oreo, all have been developed on java Programming Language only.

Apart from this, all the web based programs are also run by java script only, this programming language is mostly used in IT industry like

J2EE: This is a Platform Independent Environment, it is called Java 2 Enterprise Edition, through which web based enterprise applications are created. Through which companies share XML Based Structured data among themselves.

JavaBeans: In this, new and advanced applications are created from the already existing components. It is similar to Visual Basic in which many objects are stored together which are called Java Beans.

Applets: Applets is also a full Java program. Which is added inside the web page, through which you get to see new features in the web browser. And it lives inside HTML and requires a plugin to run it.

JSP: Jakarta Server Pages, also known as JavaServer Pages, this web technology is used in web applications. Through this, JSP Tag is used to insert java code into HTML tag. Dynamic Web Pages are created through JSP and PHP which is Server Side Scripting, java is also used in this.

Mobile: Java has a huge contribution in the smartphone, it has changed the gaming industry a lot, all the mobile industries use Java technology.

Java Editor for writing Java Programs

Java editor is always needed to write Java programs, if you want to write Java programming, you can use the editors given below:

  • Netbeans - Netbeans is Java IDE, it is an open source and 100% free, which you can use.
  • Notepad ++ You can easily write java code in this editor, this editor is also useful in finding error and missing bracket.
  • Eclipse is also a java IDE developed by eclipse open source community and you can use it as well or it is open source and 100% free.

How to learn Java-

In today's time, there is a lot of demand for developers, who are being given packages of lakhs by big tech, MNC companies. If you learn Java Language then you can develop many applications. Learning Java is not very difficult but you have to put in the effort on a daily basis.

First of all in Java you should know about its Basic Fundamental for which you can read Java Tutorial. You can easily learn java by using online and offline platform to learn java language. You can create Web Application and Desktop Application using Java Apis.

Learn Java through Youtube Video!

If you want to learn Java online for free then You Tube is the best source for you. Many such channels will be found here who have learned Java language from basic to advanced level. Like there is a famous coding YouTube channel Code With Harry, you can watch his channel.

Learn Java By Joining Online Paid Courses

There are many such websites available on the Internet which teach you Java from basic to advanced level in a very low fee. And some of those popular websites we have told you below like

  • Tutorialspoint.Com
  • Oracle Java Tutorial
  • Codecademy.Com
  • Udemy

Learn Java by joining Coaching Institute

If you want, you can learn Java by going to any Coaching Institute in your city. Here the course can be from 6 months to 1 year, on which you may have to spend from 20 thousand to 1 lakh rupees.


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