Shares of Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers jumped more than 4 percent after the company received an order of Rs 491 crore to design an acoustic research ship for DRDO. Shares of Garden Reach rose 4.66 percent around 1:20 pm Shares of Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers jumped more than 4 percent after the shipbuilder company received an order of Rs 491 crore to design an acoustic research ship for the Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO). Shares of Garden Reach rose 4.66 percent to Rs 1621.80 around 1:20 pm. This stock has given a return of 85 percent so far this year. This is a much better performance than the Nifty 50, which has risen only 13 percent during the same period. Today's gain marked the third consecutive session of gains for the company, although it has given negative returns from August to October. Project to be completed within 36 months On October 29, Garden Reach announced that it had received a letter of intent from the Naval Physica...
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